Q uick S etup
Here’s how to set up your new EPSON® printer . ..
Unpack the Printer
Remove any packing material from the printer, as described on
the Notice Sheet in the box. Save all the packaging so you can
use it if you need to transport the printer later. You’ll find these
items inside:
black ink
color ink
Plug In the Printer
1. First make sure the power is off. Check the
button; it’s off when its surface is raised above the printer
Do not plug the printer
into an outlet
controlled by a wall
switch or timer, or on
the same circuit as a
large appliance. This
may disrupt the power,
which can erase
memory and damage
the power supply.
2. Plug the power cord into a properly grounded outlet. To
protect the printer from power surges, you may want to
use a surge protector.
Install the Ink Cartridges
1. Lower the output tray and raise the printer cover.
2. Press the
power button to turn on the printer. The
light flashes, the and
ink out lights come on, and the ink
cartridge holders move to the installation position.
3. Pull up the ink cartridge clamps.
You must remove the
yellow portion of the
tape seal from the top
of the cartridge or you
will permanently
damage it. Don’t
remove the tape seal
from the bottom or ink
will leak.
4. Open the ink cartridge packages. Completely remove the
disposable yellow portion of the tape seal on top. Don’t remove
the white portion.
color ink
If ink gets on your
hands, wash them
thoroughly with soap
and water. If ink gets in
your eyes, flush them
immediately with water.
black ink
5. Lower the ink cartridges into their holders with the labels
face up and the arrows pointing toward the back of the
color ink
black ink
6. Push down the clamps until they lock in place.
Never turn off the
printer when the
7. Press the
cleaning button to return the print heads to
power light is
their home position and charge the ink delivery system.
flashing. If, however,
the power light is
still flashing after 10
minutes and the printer
is not moving or
Ch argin g takes up to 7 m in utes, with the
flashing until it’s finished. Don ’t turn off th e prin ter or
in terrupt th is im portan t process or you’ll use up
m ore in k th an n ecessary.
power light
making noise, you may
turn off the printer.
8. Close the printer cover.
Load the Paper
1. Slide the left edge guide all the way left and pull out the
output tray extension.
2. Fan a stack of plain paper and then even the edges.
3. Load the stack with the printable surface face up. Push the
paper against the right edge guide.
Don’t load paper above
the arrow mark inside the
left edge guide.
4. Slide the left edge guide back against the stack of paper.
Check the Printer
1. Turn off the printer.
2. While holding down the
load/eject button, turn on the
printer. Then release the buttons.
3. A page prints out showing the ROM version and a
multicolor nozzle check pattern consisting of staggered
horizontal and straight vertical lines. When it’s finished,
turn off the printer. If you have any problems with the test,
see Chapter 6 in your User’s Guide for more information.
Connect the Printer to Your Computer
You can connect your EPSON Stylus COLOR 600 to either an
IBM® compatible PC or an Apple® Macintosh®. You’ll need a
shielded parallel cable to connect to a PC or an Apple System
Peripheral-8 serial cable to connect to a Macintosh. For a
complete list of system requirements, see the Introduction of
your User’s Guide.
Connecting to a PC
1. Turn off the printer and your computer.
2. Connect the cable to the printer’s parallel interface; then
squeeze the wire clips together until they lock in place. (If
your cable has a ground wire, connect it now.)
The printer is assigned to
parallel port LPT1; if you
want to use a different
port, see your Windows®
documentation for
3. Connect the other end of the cable to your computer’s
parallel port and secure it as necessary.
Connecting to a Macintosh
1. Turn off the printer and your Macintosh.
2. Connect one end of the cable to the serial connector on
the back of the printer.
If you’re using a
PowerBook™ with a
combination printer/ modem
port, connect the printer to
that port.
3. Connect the other end of the cable to either the printer
or the modem port
on your Macintosh.
Install the Printer Software
Now you need to install the printer software for Windows® 95,
Windows 3.1, or Macintosh from the EPSON printer software
If you don’t have a CD-ROM drive, you can:
Create install diskettes from the CD-ROM using another
computer. For Windows, run the MAKE_FD.EXE program in
the Drivers directory on the CD-ROM and follow the
instructions on the screen. For Macintosh, follow the
instructions on page 12.
Download your printer software or order it on diskettes
from EPSON. See the ordering sheet in your printer box.
In addition to the printer software, the CD-ROM contains the
Look Your Best Color Pak Electronic Suite, an online bundle
full of creative software for making T-shirts, banners, magnets
and other great creations. You’ll also get fonts, photos, and
iron-on art as well as EPSON Extra Value coupons and the
scoop on EPSON product and supplies.
Installing on a PC
The Windows printer software on the CD-ROM also contains
EPSON Answers, a comprehensive online guide that includes:
Let EPSON Answers be
your on-screen guide to your
new printer—it puts you on
the right track quickly and
easily. It opens automatically
after you install your printer
software from the
CD-ROM. To run it again
later, click its icon in the
EPSON folder or program
How To for step-by-step printer operating instructions
Color Guide with practical color printing information
Problem Solver to help you fix printer problems
Test Prin t so you can check your print quality
(If you install the printer software from diskettes created from the
CD-ROM or ordered from EPSON, EPSON Answers and the Look
Your Best Color Pak Electronic Suite are not installed.)
Windows 95 Plug and Play
Try this plug-and-play procedure to install your printer software. If
it doesn’t work, try the other Windows 95 procedure on page 10.
1. Turn on the printer first, then your computer.
2. If the New Hardware Found screen appears, make sure your
printer name is displayed and the Driver from disk provided
by hardware m anufacturer button is selected. Then click
OK. (If you don’t see the New Hardware Found screen, skip
to “While Running Windows 95” on page 10.)
After running EPSON
Answers, click this icon in
your EPSON program
group or folder to run the
Look Your Best Color Pak
Electronic Suite and install
your creative software
programs. If you need
help with your creative
software, click "How to
get help" in the Look Your
Best Color Pak program
for contact information.
3. Insert the EPSON printer software CD-ROM (or diskette 1) in
your drive.
4. Type D:\DRIVERS\WINDOWS (if you’re using the
CD-ROM) or A:\ (if you’re using diskettes) and click OK.
(If your drive uses a different letter, substitute it for D or A.)
5. At the next screen, keep or change the printer model name. If
you see a question about using your printer as the Windows
default printer, select Yes.
6. Click Finish and then follow the instructions on the screen to
install the software. The installer creates an EPSON folder for
your printer software icons and adds an icon for your printer
to the Printers folder.
If you installed your software from the CD-ROM, EPSON Answers
opens automatically. After running EPSON Answers, click the
EPSON Look Your Best Color Pak icon in the EPSON folder to
install your creative software and check out the extras. To run
EPSON Answers, click its icon in the EPSON folder.
While RunningWindows 95
1. Make sure Windows 95 is running and the printer is on.
Exit any open applications.
2. Insert the EPSON printer software CD-ROM (or diskette 1)
in your drive.
If you’re setting up your
computer for the first time,
you may see a message
asking if you want to install a
printer. Select Cancel and
then complete your
3. If Windows 95 launches the install program automatically,
you see the EPSON Setup CD window click Next. At the
next screen, click the Install icon.
If it doesn’t launch automatically, double-click the My
Com puter icon; then double-click your CD-ROM drive
icon. You see the EPSON Setup CD window. Click Next.
At the next screen, click the Install icon.
Windows 95 setup. You will
be prompted to restart
Windows. If you then see the
New Hardware Found screen,
follow the instructions under
“Windows 95 Plug and Play”
to install your printer software.
If you don’t see the New
Hardware Found screen, follow
the instructions under “While
Running Windows 95” on
page 10.
(If you’re using diskettes, double-click your diskette drive
icon and click the Setup icon.)
4. Select Epson Stylus COLOR 600 in the printer Model Tab
and click OK. Follow the instructions on the screen to
install the software.
If your computer is on a
The installer creates an EPSON folder for your printer software
icons and adds an icon for your printer to the Printers folder.
network and you connected
the printer to a remote server,
you need to set up the printer
for network use after installing
the printer software. See
Chapter 4 of your User’s
Guide for instructions.
If you installed your software from the CD-ROM, EPSON
Answers opens automatically.
After running EPSON Answers, click the EPSON Look Your
Best Color Pak icon in the EPSON folder to install your
creative software and check out the extras.
To run EPSON Answers, click its icon in the EPSON folder.
Windows 3.1
1. Make sure Windows Program Manager is running and the
printer is on. Exit any open applications.
2. Insert the EPSON printer software CD-ROM (or diskette 1)
in your drive.
If your computer is on a
network and you
connected the printer to a
remote server, you need
to set up the printer for
network use after
installing the printer
software. See Chapter 4
of your User’s Guide for
3. From the File menu, select Run. Then type D:\SETUP and
click OK. (If your drive uses a different letter, substitute it
for D.)
4. If you’re installing from the CD-ROM, you see the EPSON
Setup CD window. Click Next. If you’re installing from
diskettes, go to step 6.
5. Click Install.
6. Select Epson Stylus COLOR 600 in the printer Model Tab
and click OK. Follow the instructions on the screen to
install the software.
The installer creates an EPSON program group for your printer
software icons and makes your printer the Windows default
If you installed your software from the CD-ROM, EPSON
Answers opens automatically.
After running EPSON Answers, click the EPSON Look Your
Best Color Pak icon in the EPSON program group to install
your creative software and check out the extras.
To run EPSON Answers, click its icon in the EPSON program
Installing on a Macintosh
Follow these steps to install the printer software on your
Macintosh from the CD-ROM or from diskettes you created or
downloaded. (If you install the printer software from diskettes,
the Look Your Best Color Pak Electronic Suite is not installed.)
1. Turn on your Macintosh and turn off any virus protection
programs you may have. (See your virus protection
documentation for instructions.)
If your Macintosh
doesn’t have a CD-ROM
drive, you can make
install diskettes from the
CD-ROM using another
Macintosh. See “Making
Macintosh Diskettes
from the CD-ROM” on
page 14 for instructions.
2. When your Macintosh has finished starting up, turn on
your printer.
3. Insert the EPSON printer software CD-ROM (or diskette 1)
in your drive.
4. Double-click the EPSON Installer (or Installer) icon.
Then click Continue to display the Installer Script dialog
5. Click Install and follow the instructions on the screen to
copy the software to your hard disk. After the files are
copied, a message tells you that installation complete.
6. Click Restart to restart your Macintosh.
SelectingYour Printer
After you install the software, you need to select your printer
using the Chooser.
1. Open the Chooser from the Apple menu.
2. Click the EPSON Stylus(EX) icon.
3. Click the icon for the port where you connected your
printer. (On a PowerBook with a combination printer/
modem port, select the modem port icon.)
4. Turn on background printing if you want to run your
print jobs and use your Macintosh at the same time.
(Background printing is slower and may also slow down
your Macintosh while you’re printing.)
5. If you chose the printer port in step 3, make sure
AppleTalk is inactive.
6. Close the Chooser.
Installing the Look Your Best Color Pak
To install the Look Your Best Color Pak Electronic Suite,
double-click the Color Pak Installer icon in the EPSON
CD-ROM window. Then follow the instructions on the screen.
After installing the Look Your Best Color Pak Electronic Suite,
click the icon on the left in the Colorpak folder or in the alias
on your desktop to install your creative software programs and
check out the extras. If you need help with your creative
software, click "How to get help" in the Look Your Best Color
Pak program for contact information.
Making Macintosh Diskettes from the CD-ROM
Before making diskettes from the CD-ROM, name the formatted
diskettes you’ll use Disk1 and Disk2 (using a capital “D” and no
space before the number). If they’re not named correctly, the
diskettes won’t be able to install your software.
1. Turn on the Macintosh and turn off any of its virus
protection programs.
2. Insert the EPSON printer software CD-ROM in your drive.
3. Double-click the CD-ROM drive icon. You m ust
double-click th e icon even if a win dow open s wh en
you in sert th e CD-ROM.
4. Double-click the Drivers folder icon in the new window.
The Drivers window contains the Disk1 and Disk2 folder
5. Double-click the Disk1 folder.
6. Insert the diskette you named Disk1 in the diskette drive.
7. Select all the icons in the CD-ROM Disk1 folder and drag
them to the Disk1 icon on your desktop.
8. When the icons are copied, eject the diskette and repeat
steps 5 through 7 for the CD-ROM folder and diskette
named Disk2. Eject Disk2.
You can now use the diskettes to install the printer software on
your Macintosh. See page 12 for instructions.
See Your EPSON Documentation
Your EPSON Stylus COLOR 600 User’s Guide tells you how to:
print everything from a memo to a glossy photo
use your printer software to fine-tune your printouts
keep your printer working at its best
solve any problems you may have
You can also access EPSON’s convenient online help from the
printer software to get quick information while you’re printing.
EPSON and EPSON Stylus are registered trademarks of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.
General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
EPSON disclaims any and all rights in those marks.
Copyright © 1997 by Epson America, Inc.
Printed on recycled paper with at least 10% post-consumer content.
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